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2024, Cells, Vol. 13, SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Amplifies the Immunogenicity of Healthy Renal Epithelium in the Presence of Renal Cell Carcinoma
Somova M, Simm S, Ehrhardt J, Schoon J, Burchardt M, Pinto PC
2024, Stem Cell Reports, Vol. 19, Recommendations on fit-for-purpose criteria to establish quality management for microphysiological systems and for monitoring their reproducibility
Pamies D, Ekert J, Zurich MG, Frey O, Werner S, Piergiovanni M, Freedman BS, Teo AKK, Erfurth H, Reyes DR, Loskill P, Candarlioglu P, Suter-Dick L, Wang S, Hartung T, Coecke S, Stacey GN, Atac Wagegg B, Dehne EM, Pistollato F, Leist M
2024, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Vol. 193, Hepatotoxic assessment in a microphysiological system: Simulation of the drug absorption and toxic process after an overdosed acetaminophen on intestinal-liver-on-chip
Yu Y, Sun B, Ye X, Wang Y, Zhao M, Song J, Geng X, Marx U, Li B, Zhou X
2024, Scientific reports, Vol. 14, Integrating tumor and healthy epithelium in a micro-physiology multi-compartment approach to study renal cell carcinoma pathophysiology
Somova M, Simm S, Padmyastuti A, Ehrhardt J, Schoon J, Wolff I, Burchardt M, Roennau C, Caetano Pinto P
2023, Journal of Applied Toxicology, Early View, Application of a skin and liver Chip2 microphysiological model to investigate the route-dependent toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of consumer-relevant doses of genistein
Tao TP, Brandmair K, Gerlach S, Przibilla J, Schepky A, Marx U, Hewitt NJ, Maschmeyer I, Kühnl J
2023, Journal of Applied Toxicology, Early View, Suitability of different reconstructed human skin models in the skin and liver Chip2 microphysiological model to investigate the kinetics and first-pass skin metabolism of the hair dye, 4-amino-2-hydroxytoluene
Brandmair K, Tao TP, Gerlach S, Przibilla J, Schepky A, Marx U, Hewitt NJ, Kühnl J, Maschmeyer I
2023, Scientific reports, Vol. 13, Microfluidic-based prostate cancer model for investigating the secretion of prostate-specific antigen and microRNAs in vitro
Padmyastuti A, Sarmiento MG, Dib M, Ehrhardt J, Schoon J, Somova M, Burchardt M, Roennau, Pinto PC
2023, bioRxiv, Preprint, Diseased human pancreas and liver microphysiological system for preclinical diabetes research
Rigal S, Casas B, Kanebratt KP, Wennberg Huldt C, Magnusson LU, Mullers E, Karlsson F, Clausen M, Hansson SF, Jansson Lofmark R, Ammala C, Marx U, Gennemark P, Cedersund G, Andersson TB, Vilen LK
2023, Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, OnlineFirst, Advances in Animal Models and Cutting-Edge Research in Alternatives: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on 3Rs Research and Progress, Vishakhapatnam, 2022
Naik NN, Vadloori B, Poosala S, Srivastava P, Coecke S, Smith A, Akhtar A, Roper C, Radhakrishnan S, Bhyravbhatla B, Damle M, Pulla VK, Hackethal J, Horland R, Li AP, Pati F, Singh MS, Occhetta P, Bisht R, Dandekar P, Bhagavatula K, Pajkrt D, Johnson M, Weber T, Huang J, Hysenaj L, Mallar B, Ramray B, Dixit S, Joshi S, Kulkarni M
2023, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Vol. 14, Development of a microphysiological skin-liver-thyroid Chip3 model and its application to evaluate the effects on thyroid hormones of topically applied cosmetic ingredients under consumer-relevant conditions
Tao TP, Maschmeyer I, LeCluyse EL, Rogers E, Brandmair K, Gerlach S, Przibilla J, Kern F, Genies C, Jacques C, Najjar A, Schepky A, Marx U, Kühnl J, Hewitt NJ
2023, ALTEX, A microfluidic thyroid-liver platform to assess chemical safety in humans
Kühnlenz J, Karwelat D, Steger-Hartmann T, Raschke M, Bauer S, Vural Ö, Marx U, Tinwell H, Bars R
2022, Biomaterials and Biosystems , Vol. 7, Setup of human liver-chips integrating 3D models, microwells and a standardized microfluidic platform as proof-of-concept study to support drug evaluation
Cox B, Barton P, Class R, Coxhead H, Delatour C, Gillent E, Henshall J, Isin EM, King L, Valentin JP
2022, Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, Vol. 11, A human kidney and liver organoid-based multi-organ-on-a-chip model to study the therapeutic effects and biodistribution of mesenchymal stromal cell-derived extracellular vesicles
Nguyen VVT, Ye S, Gkouzioti V, van Wolferen ME, Yengej FY, Melkert D, Siti S, de Jong B, Besseling PJ, Spee B, van der Laan LJW, Horland R, Verhaar MC, van Balkom BWM
2022, Cells, Vol. 11, A Human Stem Cell-Derived Brain-Liver Chip for Assessing Blood-Brain-Barrier Permeation of Pharmaceutical Drugs
Koenig L, Ramme AP, Faust D, Mayer M, Flötke T, Gerhartl A, Brachner A, Neuhaus W, Appelt-Menzel A, Metzger M, Marx U, Dehne EM
2022, Pharmaceutics, Vol. 14, Proof-of-Concept Organ-on-Chip Study: Topical Cinnamaldehyde Exposure of Reconstructed Human Skin with Integrated Neopapillae Cultured under Dynamic Flow
Vahav I, Thon M, van den Broek LJ, Spiekstra SW, Ataҫ B, Lindner G, Schimek K, Marx U, Gibbs S
2022, Frontiers in Toxicology, A Multi-Organ-on-Chip Approach to Investigate How Oral Exposure to Metals Can Cause Systemic Toxicity Leading to Langerhans Cell Activation in Skin
Koning JJ, Rodrigues Neves CT, Schimek K, Thon M, Spiekstra SW, Waaijman T, de Gruijl TD, Gibbs S
2021, Drug Testing and Analysis, Early view, Organ-on-a-chip: Determine feasibility of a human liver microphysiological model to assess long-term steroid metabolites in sports drug testing
Görgens C, Ramme AP, Guddat S, Schrader Y, Winter A, Dehne EM, Horland R, Thevis M
2021, Science, Vol. 373, Human microphysiological systems for drug development
Roth A, MPS-WS Berlin 2019
2021, Frontiers in Medicine, Vol. 8, An Individual Patient's "Body" on Chips – How Organismoid Theory Can Translate Into Your Personal Precision Therapy Approach
Marx U, Accastelli E, David R, Erfurth H, Koenig L, Lauster R, Ramme AP, Reinke P, Volk HD, Winter A, Dehne EM
2021, Stem Cell Research, Vol. 53, Generation of two additional integration-free iPSC lines from related human donors
Ramme AP, Faust D, Koenig L, Nguyen N, Marx U
Cell line repository/bank: Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry (hPSCreg)
2021, Journal of Applied Toxicology, Early view, Demonstration of the first‐pass metabolism in the skin of the hair dye, 4‐amino‐2‐hydroxytoluene, using the Chip2 skin–liver microphysiological model
Tao TP, Brandmair K, Gerlach S, Przibilla J, Géniès C, Jacques‐Jamin C, Schepky A, Marx U, J. Hewitt N, Maschmeyer I, Kühnl J
2021, Toxicology, Vol. 448, Characterization of application scenario-dependent pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic properties of permethrin and hyperforin in a dynamic skin and liver multi-organ-chip model
Kühnl J, Tao TP, Brandmair K, Gerlach S, Rings T, Müller-Vieira U, Przibilla J, Genies C, Jaques-Jamin C, Schepky A, Marx U, J. Hewitt N, Maschmeyer I
2020, TissUse White Paper, Multi-Organ Microphysiological Systems are Poised for Expansive Integration
2020, Scientific reports. Vol. 10, Repeated dose multi-drug testing using a microfluidic chip-based coculture of human liver and kidney proximal tubules equivalents
Lin N, Zhou X, Geng X, Drewell C, Hübner J, Li Z, Zhang Y, Xue M, Marx U, Li B
2020, In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Animal, The microfollicle: a model of the human hair follicle for in vitro studies
Ataç B, Kiss FM, Lam T, Fauler B, Edler C, Hu P, Tao TP, Jädicke M, Rütschle I, Azar RP, Youngquist S, Mielke T, Marx U, Lauster R, Lindner G, DiColandrea T
2020, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Vol. 589, Toxicity of topically applied drugs beyond skin irritation: Static skin model vs. Two organs-on-a-chip
Tavares RSN, Tao TP, Maschmeyer I, Maria-Engler SS, Schäfer-Korting M, Winter A, Zoschke C, Lauster R, Marx U, Gaspar LR
2020, Advanced Science, Metal‐Specific Biomaterial Accumulation in Human Peri‐Implant Bone and Bone Marrow
Schoon J, Hesse B, Rakow A, Ort MJ, Lagrange A, Jacobi D, Winter A, Huesker K, Reinke S, Cotte M,Tucoulou R, Marx U, Perka C, Duda GN, Geissler S
2020, Human Reproduction, Vol. 35, A multi-organ-chip co-culture of liver and testis equivalents: a first step toward a systemic male reprotoxicity model
Baert Y, Ruetschle I, Cools W, Oehme A, Lorenz A, Marx U, Goossens E, Maschmeyer I
2020, Scientific Reports, Human multi-organ chip co-culture of bronchial lung culture and liver spheroids for substance exposure studies
Schimek K, Frentzel S, Luettich K, Bovard D, Rütschle I, Boden L, Rambo F, Erfurth H, Dehne EM, Winter A, Marx U, Hoeng J
2020, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, Vol. 14, Reconstructed human skin shows epidermal invagination towards integrated neopapillae indicating early hair follicle formation in vitro
Vahav I, van den Broek LJ, Thon M, Monsuur HN, Spiekstra SW, Atac B, Scheper RJ, Lauster R, Lindner G, Marx U, Gibbs S
2020, ALTEX, Preprint, Biology-inspired Microphysiological systems to advance patient benefit and animal welfare in drug development
Marx U, Akabane T, Andersson T, Baker E, Beilmann M, Beken S, Brendler-Schwaab S, Cirit M, David R, Dehne EM, Durieux I, Ewart L, Fitzpatrick S, Frey O, Fuchs F, Griffith L, Hamilton G, Hartung T, Hoeng J, Hogberg H, Hughes D, Ingber D, Iskandar A, Kanamori T, Kojima H, Kuehnl J, Leist M, Li B, Loskill P, Mendrick D, Neumann T, Pallocca G, Rusyn I, Smirnova L, Steger-Hartmann T, Tagle D, Tonevitsky A, Tsyb S, Trapecar M, van de Water B, van den Eijnden-van Raaij J, Vulto P, Watanabe K, Wolf A, Zhou X, Roth A
2020, Current Opinion in Toxicology, Journal pre-proof, The universal physiological template – a system to advance medicines
Dehne EM, Marx U
2020, Elsevier, 441-462, Automation and opportunities for industry scale-up of microphysiological systems in: Organ-on-a-Chip: Engineered Microenvironments for Safety and Efficacy Testing
Dehne EM, Erfurth H, Muhsmann AK, Marx U
2020, Elsevier, 429-439, Human body-on-a-chip systems in: Organ-on-a-Chip: Engineered Microenvironments for Safety and Efficacy Testing
Dehne EM, Marx U
2019, Stem Cell Research, Vol. 41, Generation of four integration-free iPSC lines from related human donors
Ramme AP, Faust D, Koenig L, Marx U
Cell line repository/bank: Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry (hPSCreg)
2019, Current Opinion in Toxicology, Vol. 17, Microphysiological systems in the evaluation of hematotoxicities during drug development
Dehne EM, Winter A, Marx U
2019, Future Science OA, Vol. 5, No. 8, Autologous induced pluripotent stem cell-derived four-organ-chip
Ramme AP, Koenig L, Hasenberg T, Schwenk C, Magauer C, Faust D, Lorenz AK, Krebs AC, Drewell C, Schirrmann K, Vladetic A, Lin GC, Pabinger S, Neuhaus W, Bois F, Lauster R, Marx U, Dehne EM
2019, Elsevier, 279-284, Biologically-Inspired Microphysiological Systems in: The History of Alternative Test Methods in Toxicology
Dehne EM, Hickman J & Shuler M
2018, ALTEX, Optimizing drug discovery by Investigative Toxicology: Current and future trends
Beilmann M, Boonen H, Czich A, Dear G, Hewitt P, Mow T, Newham P, Oinonen T, Pognan F, Roth A, Valentin JP, Van Goethem F, Weaver RJ, Birk B, Boyer S, Caloni F, Chen AE, Corvi R, Cronin MTD, Daneshian M, Ewart LC, Fitzgerald RE, Hamilton GA, Hartung T,Kangas JD, Kramer NI, Leist M, Marx U, Polak S, Rovida C, Testai E, Van der Water B, Vulto P, Steger-Hartmann T
2018, Nature Scientific Reports, Simultaneous evaluation of anti-EGFR-induced tumour and adverse skin effects in a microfluidic human 3D co-culture model
Hübner J, Raschke M, Rütschle I, Gräßle S, Hasenberg T, Schirrmann K, Lorenz A, Schnurre S, Lauster R, Maschmeyer I, Steger-Hartmann T, Marx U
2018, Bioengineering 2018, Bioengineering of a Full-Thickness Skin Equivalent in a 96-Well Insert Format for Substance Permeation Studies and Organ-on-a-Chip Applications
Schimek K, Hsu HH, Boehme M, Kornet JJ, Marx U, Lauster R, Pörtner R, Lindner G
2018, J Vis Exp., A Method for Determination and Simulation of Permeability and Diffusion in a 3D Tissue Model in a Membrane Insert System for Multi-well Plates
Hsu HH, Kracht JK, Harder LE, Rudnik K, Lindner G, Schimek K, Marx U, Pörtner R
2018, Stem Cell Res Ther., The role of fibrinolysis inhibition in engineered vascular networks derived from endothelial cells and adipose-derived stem cells
Mühleder S, Pill K, Schaupper M, Labuda K, Priglinger E, Hofbauer P, Charwat V, Marx U, Redl H, Holnthoner W
2017, Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol., Application of Microphysiological Systems to Enhance Safety Assessment in Drug Discovery
Ewart L, Dehne EM, Fabre K, Gibbs S, Hickman J, Hornberg E, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Jang KJ, Jones DR, Lauschke VM, Marx U, Mettetal JT, Pointon A, Williams D, Zimmermann WH, Newham P
2017, Nature Scientific Reports, Functional coupling of human pancreatic islets and liver spheroids on-a-chip: Towards a novel human ex vivo type 2 diabetes model
Bauer S, Wennberg Huldt C, Kanebratt KP, Durieux I, Gunne D, Andersson S, Ewart L, Haynes WG, Maschmeyer I, Winter A, Ämmälä C, Marx U, Andersson TB
2017, LABO Online, Von der Vision zum Paradigmenwechsel: Chancen und Herausforderungen mikrofluidischer Organ-on-a-Chip-Systeme in der Arzneimittelentwicklung
Dehne EM, Hasenberg T, Marx U
2017, J Tissue Eng Regen Med, Bone marrow-on-a-chip: Long term culture of human hematopoietic stem cells in a 3D microfluidic environment
Sieber S, Wirth L, Cavak N, Koenigsmark M, Marx U, Lauster R, Rosowski M
2017, BIOspektrum, Miniaturisierte menschliche Organe auf dem Chip
Hasenberg T, Dehne EM, Lauster R, Marx U
2017, Future Science, The ascendance of microphysiological systems to solve the drug testing dilemma
Dehne EM, Hasenberg T, Marx U
2017, Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., Engineering Blood and Lymphatic Microvascular Networks in Fibrin Matrices
Knezevic L, Schaupper MV, Muehleder S, Schimek K, Hasenberg T, Marx U, Priglinger E, Redl HR, Holnthoner W
2016, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Validation of Bioreactor and Human-on-a-Chip Devices for Chemical Safety Assessment
Rebelo SP, Dehne EM, Brito C, Horland R, Alves PM, Marx U
2016, ALTEX, Biology-inspired microphysiological system approaches to solve the prediction dilemma of substance testing = ALTEX Award Winner 2017!
Marx U, Andersson TB, Bahinski A, Beilmann M, Beken S, Cassee FR, Cirit M, Daneshian M, Fitzpatrick S, Frey O, Gaertner C, Giese C, Griffith L, Hartung T, Heringa MB, Hoeng J, de Jong WH, Kojima H, Kuehnl J, Leist M, Luch A, Maschmeyer I, Sakharov D, Sips AJ, Steger-Hartmann T, Tagle DA, Tonevitsky A, Tralau T, Tsyb S, van de Stolpe A, Vandebriel R, Vulto P, Wang J, Wiest J, Rodenburg M, Roth A
2015, Applied In Vitro Toxicology, The promise and potential of "Organs-on-Chips" as preclinical models
A Bahinski, R Horland, D Huh, C Mummery, DA Tagle, T MacGill
2015, Journal of Biotechnology, Emulating human microcapillaries in a multi-organ-chip platform
T Hasenberg, S Mühleder, A Dotzler, S Bauer, K Labuda, W Holnthoner, H Redl, R Lauster, U Marx
2015, ALTEX, Workshop Report: Non-Animal Models of Epithelial Barriers (Skin, Intestine and Lung) in Research, Industrial Applications and Regulatory Toxicology
S Gordon, M Daneshian, J Bouwstra, F Caloni, S Constant, DE Davies, G Dandekar, CA Guzman, E Fabian, E Haltner, T Hartung, N Hasiwa, P Hayden, H Kandarova, S Khare, HF Krug, C Kneuer, M Leist, G Lian, U Marx, M Metzger, K Ott, P Prieto, MS Roberts, EL Roggen, T Tralau, C van den Braak, H Walles
2015, Lab on a Chip, A four-organ-chip for interconnected long-term co-culture of human intestine, liver, skin and kidney equivalents
I Maschmeyer, AK Lorenz, K Schimek, T Hasenberg, AP Ramme, J Hübner, M Lindner, C Drewell, S Bauer, A Thomas, NS Sambo, F Sonntag, R Lauster, U Marx
2015, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, Chip-based human liver–intestine and liver–skin co-cultures – A first step toward systemic repeated dose substance testing in vitro
I Maschmeyer, T Hasenberg, A Jaenicke, M Lindner, AK Lorenz, J Zech, LA Garbe, F Sonntag, P Hayden, S Ayehunie, R Lauster, U Marx, EM Materne
2015, Journal of Visualized Experiments, The Multi-organ Chip - A Microfluidic Platform for Long-term Multi-tissue Coculture
EM Materne, I Maschmeyer, AK Lorenz, R Horland, K Schimek, M Busek, F Sonntag, R Lauster, U Marx
2015, Journal of Biotechnology, A multi-organ chip co-culture of neurospheres and liver equivalents for long-term substance testing
EM Materne, AP Ramme, A Terrasso, M Serra, P Alves, C Brito, D Sakharov, A Tonevitsky, R Lauster, U Marx
2014, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Human immunity in vitro - Solving immunogenicity and more
C Giese, U Marx
2013, Lab on a Chip, Integrating biological vasculature into a multi-organ-chip microsystem
K Schimek, M Busek, S Brincker, B Groth, S Hoffmann, R Lauster, G Lindner, AK Lorenz, U Menzel, F Sonntag, H Walles, U Marx, R Horland
2013, Lab on a Chip, Chip-based liver equivalents for toxicity testing - organotypicalness versus cost-efficient high throughput
EM Materne, A Tonevitsky, U Marx
2013, Lab on a Chip, A dynamic multi-organ-chip for long-term cultivation and substance testing proven by 3D human liver and skin tissue co-culture
I Wagner, EM Materne, S Brincker, U Süßbier, C Frädrich, M Busek, F Sonntag, D Sakharov, E Trushkin, A Tonevitsky, R Lauster, U Marx
2013, Lab on a Chip, Skin and hair on-a-chip: in vitro skin models versus ex vivo tissue maintenance with dynamic perfusion
B Ataҫ, I Wagner, R Horland, R Lauster, U Marx, A Tonevitsky, A Azar, G Lindner
2013, Analyst, Fluorescent optical fiber sensors for cell viability monitoring
I Sergachev, A Rusanov, E Trushkin, D Sakharov, U Marx, A Tonevitsky
2012, Alternatives to Lab Animals, 'Human-on-a-chip' developments: a translational cutting-edge alternative to systemic safety assessment and efficiency evaluation of substances in laboratory animals and man?
U Marx, H Walles, S Hoffmann, G Lindner, R Horland, F Sonntag, U Klotzbach, D Sakharov, A Tonevitsky, R Lauster
2012, Biotechnology Journal, Monitoring and control of microbioreactors: an expert opinion on development needs
KV Gernaey, F Baganz, E Franco-Lara, F Kensy, U Krühne, M Luebberstedt, U Marx, E Palmqvist, A Schmid, F Schubert, CF Mandenius
2012, The International Journal of Artificial Organs, Crosstalk between immune cells and mesenchymal stromal cells in a 3D bioreactor system
M Seifert, A Lubitz, J Trommer, D Könnig, G Korus, U Marx, HD Volk, G Duda, G Kasper, K Lehmann, M Stolk, C Giese
2012, Landes Bioscience and Springer Science + Business Media, "Trends in Cell Culture Technology." In Balls M, Combes R, & Bhogal, N, New Technologies for Toxicity Testing (26-46)
U Marx
2011, BMC Proceedings, Human hair follicle equivalents in vitro for transplantation and chip-based substance testing
R Horland, G Lindner, I Wagner, B Atac, S Hoffmann, M Gruchow, F Sonntag, U Klotzbach, R Lauster, U Marx
2011, Sensors and Actuators, Biological cardio-micro-pumps for microbioreactors and analytical micro-systems
M Pilarek, P Neubauer, U Marx
2011, BIOspektrum, Miniaturisierte humane organtypische Zell- und Gewebekulturen
F Sonntag, M Gruchow, I Wagner, G Lindner, U Marx
2011, Journal of Biotechnology, De novo formation and ultra-structural characterization of a fiber-producing human hair follicle equivalent in vitro
G Lindner, R Horland, I Wagner, B Atac, R Lauster
2011, Experimental Dermatology, Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) forms part of the connective tissue of normal human hair follicles
A Ariza de Schellenberger, R Horland, M Rosowski, R Paus, R Lauster, G Lindner
2010, Journal of Biotechnology, Design and prototyping of a chip-based multi-micro-organoid culture system for substance testing, predictive to human (substance) exposure
F Sonntag, N Schilling, K Mader, M Gruchow, U Klotzbach, G Lindner, R Horland, I Wagner, R Lauster, S Howitz, S Hoffmann, U Marx
2010, Journal of Biotechnology, Immunological substance testing on human lymphatic micro-organoids in vitro
C Giese, A Lubitz, CD Demmler, J Reuschel, K Bergner, U Marx
2010, BIOforum Europe, Organotypic tissue cultures for substance testing
R Pörtner, C Burger, K Maier-Reif, C Goepfert, S Hoffmann, A Scriba, U Marx