Publications – Thyroid

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Filter by organ / tissue model:
Bone marrow | Cardio | Gingiva | Hair follicle | Intestine | iPSC | Kidney | Liver | Lung | Lymph node | Neuro | Pancreas | Skin | Testis | Thyroid | 3D tumour | Vasculature

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ADME | Automation | Biologics | Immuno | Safety | Small molecular entities

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Book chapter | Reviews

2023, Frontiers in Pharmacology, Vol. 14, Development of a microphysiological skin-liver-thyroid Chip3 model and its application to evaluate the effects on thyroid hormones of topically applied cosmetic ingredients under consumer-relevant conditions
Tao TP, Maschmeyer I, LeCluyse EL, Rogers E, Brandmair K, Gerlach S, Przibilla J, Kern F, Genies C, Jacques C, Najjar A, Schepky A, Marx U, Kühnl J, Hewitt NJ

2023, ALTEX, A microfluidic thyroid-liver platform to assess chemical safety in humans
Kühnlenz J, Karwelat D, Steger-Hartmann T, Raschke M, Bauer S, Vural Ö, Marx U, Tinwell H, Bars R