Publications – Pancreas
All publications | ADME | Automation | Bone marrow | Cardio | Hair follicle | Intestine | iPSC | Kidney | Liver | Lung | Lymph node | Neuro | Pancreas | Skin | Testis | Thyroid | 3D tumour | Vasculature
2023, bioRxiv, Preprint, Diseased human pancreas and liver microphysiological system for preclinical diabetes research
Rigal S, Casas B, Kanebratt KP, Wennberg Huldt C, Magnusson LU, Mullers E, Karlsson F, Clausen M, Hansson SF, Jansson Lofmark R, Ammala C, Marx U, Gennemark P, Cedersund G, Andersson TB, Vilen LK
2017, Nature Scientific Reports, Functional coupling of human pancreatic islets and liver spheroids on-a-chip: Towards a novel human ex vivo type 2 diabetes model
Bauer S, Wennberg Huldt C, Kanebratt KP, Durieux I, Gunne D, Andersson S, Ewart L, Haynes WG, Maschmeyer I, Winter A, Ämmälä C, Marx U, Andersson TB