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Knochenmark | Herz | Zahnfleisch | Haarfollikel | Darm | iPSC | Niere | Leber | Lunge | Lymphknoten | Neuro | Pankreas | Haut | Testis | Schilddrüse | 3D Tumor | Blutgefäße

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ADME | Automatisierung | Biopharmaka | Immuno | Sicherheit | Niedermolekulare Substanzen

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Buchkapitel | Reviews

2024, Cells, Vol. 13, SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Amplifies the Immunogenicity of Healthy Renal Epithelium in the Presence of Renal Cell Carcinoma
Somova M, Simm S, Ehrhardt J, Schoon J, Burchardt M, Pinto PC

2024, Stem Cell Reports, Vol. 19, Recommendations on fit-for-purpose criteria to establish quality management for microphysiological systems and for monitoring their reproducibility
Pamies D, Ekert J, Zurich MG, Frey O, Werner S, Piergiovanni M, Freedman BS, Teo AKK, Erfurth H, Reyes DR, Loskill P, Candarlioglu P, Suter-Dick L, Wang S, Hartung T, Coecke S, Stacey GN, Atac Wagegg B, Dehne EM, Pistollato F, Leist M

2024, Scientific reports, Vol. 14, Integrating tumor and healthy epithelium in a micro-physiology multi-compartment approach to study renal cell carcinoma pathophysiology
Somova M, Simm S, Padmyastuti A, Ehrhardt J, Schoon J, Wolff I, Burchardt M, Roennau C, Caetano Pinto P

2020, Scientific reports, Vol. 10, Repeated dose multi-drug testing using a microfluidic chip-based coculture of human liver and kidney proximal tubules equivalents
Lin N, Zhou X, Geng X, Drewell C, Hübner J, Li Z, Zhang Y, Xue M, Marx U, Li B

2019, Future Science OA, Vol. 5, No. 8, Autologous induced pluripotent stem cell-derived four-organ-chip
Ramme AP, Koenig L, Hasenberg T, Schwenk C, Magauer C, Faust D, Lorenz AK, Krebs AC, Drewell C, Schirrmann K, Vladetic A, Lin GC, Pabinger S, Neuhaus W, Bois F, Lauster R, Marx U, Dehne EM

2015, Lab on a Chip, A four-organ-chip for interconnected long-term co-culture of human intestine, liver, skin and kidney equivalents
I Maschmeyer, AK Lorenz, K Schimek, T Hasenberg, AP Ramme, J Hübner, M Lindner, C Drewell, S Bauer, A Thomas, NS Sambo, F Sonntag, R Lauster, U Marx