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Knochenmark | Herz | Zahnfleisch | Haarfollikel | Darm | iPSC | Niere | Leber | Lunge | Lymphknoten | Neuro | Pankreas | Haut | Testis | Schilddrüse | 3D Tumor | Blutgefäße

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2024, Stem Cell Reports, Vol. 19, Recommendations on fit-for-purpose criteria to establish quality management for microphysiological systems and for monitoring their reproducibility
Pamies D, Ekert J, Zurich MG, Frey O, Werner S, Piergiovanni M, Freedman BS, Teo AKK, Erfurth H, Reyes DR, Loskill P, Candarlioglu P, Suter-Dick L, Wang S, Hartung T, Coecke S, Stacey GN, Atac Wagegg B, Dehne EM, Pistollato F, Leist M

2021, Science, Vol. 373, Human microphysiological systems for drug development
Roth A, MPS-WS Berlin 2019

2021, Frontiers in Medicine, Vol. 8, An Individual Patient's "Body" on Chips – How Organismoid Theory Can Translate Into Your Personal Precision Therapy Approach
Marx U, Accastelli E, David R, Erfurth H, Koenig L, Lauster R, Ramme AP, Reinke P, Volk HD, Winter A, Dehne EM

2020, TissUse White Paper, Multi-Organ Microphysiological Systems are Poised for Expansive Integration

2020, ALTEX, Preprint, Biology-inspired Microphysiological systems to advance patient benefit and animal welfare in drug development
Marx U, Akabane T, Andersson T, Baker E, Beilmann M, Beken S, Brendler-Schwaab S, Cirit M, David R, Dehne EM, Durieux I, Ewart L, Fitzpatrick S, Frey O, Fuchs F, Griffith L, Hamilton G, Hartung T, Hoeng J, Hogberg H, Hughes D, Ingber D, Iskandar A, Kanamori T, Kojima H, Kuehnl J, Leist M, Li B, Loskill P, Mendrick D, Neumann T, Pallocca G, Rusyn I, Smirnova L, Steger-Hartmann T, Tagle D, Tonevitsky A, Tsyb S, Trapecar M, van de Water B, van den Eijnden-van Raaij J, Vulto P, Watanabe K, Wolf A, Zhou X, Roth A

2020, Current Opinion in Toxicology, Journal pre-proof, The universal physiological template – a system to advance medicines
Dehne EM, Marx U

2019, Current Opinion in Toxicology, Vol. 17, Microphysiological systems in the evaluation of hematotoxicities during drug development
Dehne EM, Winter A, Marx U

2019, Elsevier, 279-284, Biologically-Inspired Microphysiological Systems in: The History of Alternative Test Methods in Toxicology
Dehne EM, Hickman J & Shuler M

2018, ALTEX, Optimizing drug discovery by Investigative Toxicology: Current and future trends
Beilmann M, Boonen H, Czich A, Dear G, Hewitt P, Mow T, Newham P, Oinonen T, Pognan F, Roth A, Valentin JP, Van Goethem F, Weaver RJ, Birk B, Boyer S, Caloni F, Chen AE, Corvi R, Cronin MTD, Daneshian M, Ewart LC, Fitzgerald RE, Hamilton GA, Hartung T,Kangas JD, Kramer NI, Leist M, Marx U, Polak S, Rovida C, Testai E, Van der Water B, Vulto P, Steger-Hartmann T

2017, Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol., Application of Microphysiological Systems to Enhance Safety Assessment in Drug Discovery
Ewart L, Dehne EM, Fabre K, Gibbs S, Hickman J, Hornberg E, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Jang KJ, Jones DR, Lauschke VM, Marx U, Mettetal JT, Pointon A, Williams D, Zimmermann WH, Newham P

2017, LABO Online, Von der Vision zum Paradigmenwechsel: Chancen und Herausforderungen mikrofluidischer Organ-on-a-Chip-Systeme in der Arzneimittelentwicklung
Dehne EM, Hasenberg T, Marx U

2017, BIOspektrum, Miniaturisierte menschliche Organe auf dem Chip
Hasenberg T, Dehne EM, Lauster R, Marx U

2017, Future Science, The ascendance of microphysiological systems to solve the drug testing dilemma
Dehne EM, Hasenberg T, Marx U

2016, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Validation of Bioreactor and Human-on-a-Chip Devices for Chemical Safety Assessment
Rebelo SP, Dehne EM, Brito C, Horland R, Alves PM, Marx U

2016, ALTEX, Biology-inspired microphysiological system approaches to solve the prediction dilemma of substance testing = ALTEX Award Winner 2017!
Marx U, Andersson TB, Bahinski A, Beilmann M, Beken S, Cassee FR, Cirit M, Daneshian M, Fitzpatrick S, Frey O, Gaertner C, Giese C, Griffith L, Hartung T, Heringa MB, Hoeng J, de Jong WH, Kojima H, Kuehnl J, Leist M, Luch A, Maschmeyer I, Sakharov D, Sips AJ, Steger-Hartmann T, Tagle DA, Tonevitsky A, Tralau T, Tsyb S, van de Stolpe A, Vandebriel R, Vulto P, Wang J, Wiest J, Rodenburg M, Roth A

2015, Applied In Vitro Toxicology, The promise and potential of "Organs-on-Chips" as preclinical models
A Bahinski, R Horland, D Huh, C Mummery, DA Tagle, T MacGill

2015, ALTEX, Workshop Report: Non-Animal Models of Epithelial Barriers (Skin, Intestine and Lung) in Research, Industrial Applications and Regulatory Toxicology
S Gordon, M Daneshian, J Bouwstra, F Caloni, S Constant, DE Davies, G Dandekar, CA Guzman, E Fabian, E Haltner, T Hartung, N Hasiwa, P Hayden, H Kandarova, S Khare, HF Krug, C Kneuer, M Leist, G Lian, U Marx, M Metzger, K Ott, P Prieto, MS Roberts, EL Roggen, T Tralau, C van den Braak, H Walles

2014, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Human immunity in vitro - Solving immunogenicity and more
C Giese, U Marx

2013, Lab on a Chip, Chip-based liver equivalents for toxicity testing - organotypicalness versus cost-efficient high throughput
EM Materne, A Tonevitsky, U Marx

2012, Alternatives to Lab Animals, 'Human-on-a-chip' developments: a translational cutting-edge alternative to systemic safety assessment and efficiency evaluation of substances in laboratory animals and man?
U Marx, H Walles, S Hoffmann, G Lindner, R Horland, F Sonntag, U Klotzbach, D Sakharov, A Tonevitsky, R Lauster

2012, Biotechnology Journal, Monitoring and control of microbioreactors: an expert opinion on development needs
KV Gernaey, F Baganz, E Franco-Lara, F Kensy, U Krühne, M Luebberstedt, U Marx, E Palmqvist, A Schmid, F Schubert, CF Mandenius

2010, Journal of Biotechnology, Immunological substance testing on human lymphatic micro-organoids in vitro
C Giese, A Lubitz, CD Demmler, J Reuschel, K Bergner, U Marx