Publikationen – Lymphknoten

Alle Publikationen

Nach Organ-/Gewebsmodell filtern:
Knochenmark | Herz | Zahnfleisch | Haarfollikel | Darm | iPSC | Niere | Leber | Lunge | Lymphknoten | Neuro | Pankreas | Haut | Testis | Schilddrüse | 3D Tumor | Blutgefäße

Nach Forschungsbereich/Anwendung filtern:
ADME | Automatisierung | Biopharmaka | Immuno | Sicherheit | Niedermolekulare Substanzen

Nach Publikationstyp filtern:
Buchkapitel | Reviews

2024, Stem Cell Reports, Vol. 19, Recommendations on fit-for-purpose criteria to establish quality management for microphysiological systems and for monitoring their reproducibility
Pamies D, Ekert J, Zurich MG, Frey O, Werner S, Piergiovanni M, Freedman BS, Teo AKK, Erfurth H, Reyes DR, Loskill P, Candarlioglu P, Suter-Dick L, Wang S, Hartung T, Coecke S, Stacey GN, Atac Wagegg B, Dehne EM, Pistollato F, Leist M

2014, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, Human immunity in vitro - Solving immunogenicity and more
C Giese, U Marx

2012, The International Journal of Artificial Organs, Crosstalk between immune cells and mesenchymal stromal cells in a 3D bioreactor system
M Seifert, A Lubitz, J Trommer, D Könnig, G Korus, U Marx, HD Volk, G Duda, G Kasper, K Lehmann, M Stolk, C Giese

2010, Journal of Biotechnology, Immunological substance testing on human lymphatic micro-organoids in vitro
C Giese, A Lubitz, CD Demmler, J Reuschel, K Bergner, U Marx