Publikationen – 3D Tumor

Alle Publikationen

Nach Organ-/Gewebsmodell filtern:
Knochenmark | Herz | Zahnfleisch | Haarfollikel | Darm | iPSC | Niere | Leber | Lunge | Lymphknoten | Neuro | Pankreas | Haut | Testis | Schilddrüse | 3D Tumor | Blutgefäße

Nach Forschungsbereich/Anwendung filtern:
ADME | Automatisierung | Biopharmaka | Immuno | Sicherheit | Niedermolekulare Substanzen

Nach Publikationstyp filtern:
Buchkapitel | Reviews

2024, Scientific reports, Vol. 14, Integrating tumor and healthy epithelium in a micro-physiology multi-compartment approach to study renal cell carcinoma pathophysiology
Somova M, Simm S, Padmyastuti A, Ehrhardt J, Schoon J, Wolff I, Burchardt M, Roennau C, Caetano Pinto P

2023, Scientific reports, Vol. 13 Microfluidic-based prostate cancer model for investigating the secretion of prostate-specific antigen and microRNAs in vitro
Padmyastuti A, Sarmiento MG, Dib M, Ehrhardt J, Schoon J, Somova M, Burchardt M, Roennau, Pinto PC

2018, Nature Scientific Reports, Simultaneous evaluation of anti-EGFR-induced tumour and adverse skin effects in a microfluidic human 3D co-culture model
Hübner J, Raschke M, Rütschle I, Gräßle S, Hasenberg T, Schirrmann K, Lorenz A, Schnurre S, Lauster R, Maschmeyer I, Steger-Hartmann T, Marx U